Soon the Dutch intensified their
colonial rule. But this only sparked widespread revolts to seize
freedom. These revolts, however, were suppressed one after the
To mention only a few: Thomas Matulessy, alias
Pattimura, staged a revolt against the Dutch in the
Moluccas (1816-1818). Prince Diponegoro of Mataram led the Java War
from 1825 until 1830. Again, it was a fierce struggle for freedom.
Tuanku Imam Bonjol led the Padri War in West Sumatra, while Teuku
Umar headed the Aceh War in North Sumatra (1873-1903). King
Sisingamangaraja of the Bataks revolved against the Dutch in 1907.
An attempt by the Dutch troops to occupy Bali in 1908 was repelled
by King Udayana. Revolts were also erupting in Goa, South Sulawesi,
and in South Kalimantan.
colonial rule. But this only sparked widespread revolts to seize
freedom. These revolts, however, were suppressed one after the
To mention only a few: Thomas Matulessy, alias
Pattimura, staged a revolt against the Dutch in the
Moluccas (1816-1818). Prince Diponegoro of Mataram led the Java War
from 1825 until 1830. Again, it was a fierce struggle for freedom.
Tuanku Imam Bonjol led the Padri War in West Sumatra, while Teuku
Umar headed the Aceh War in North Sumatra (1873-1903). King
Sisingamangaraja of the Bataks revolved against the Dutch in 1907.
An attempt by the Dutch troops to occupy Bali in 1908 was repelled
by King Udayana. Revolts were also erupting in Goa, South Sulawesi,
and in South Kalimantan.
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