The Government Manifesto of November
3, 1945, opened the way to a rapid growth of political parties. Soon
a multi-party system emerged with parties of different ideologies,
ranging from nationalism to socialism, religion and even
Marxism/Leninism. Hence, the political structure developed into a
liberal democracy that was a complete departure from the type of
democracy envisaged by Pancasila.

With sharply conflicting ideologies,
political rivalry was the order of the day and a stable Government
was out of the question. With a total of 24 political parties and
their fractions, cabinets could only be formed on the basis of a
shaky compromise between the strongest parties. In point of fact,
coalition cabinets were formed and dissolved very often. The
administration was a complete shambles and development was a far

The first and only general election
ever held during the rule of the Old Order took place in 1955. Even
that election did not produce a strong cabinet with a solid back-up
in Parliament. On the contrary, because political conditions
continued to deteriorate, the President ordered the formation of a
Constituent Assembly to draft a new constitution. However, as
mentioned earlier, this only ended in a total deadlock which led the
president to take all the power of the state into his own hands
under the pretext of guided democracy.

Having learned from the experience of
the unlimited multi-party system of the past, the New Order
Government, which came into office in 1967, decided to simplify the
political system along the following lines:

In order to minimize ideological
conflicts between political organizations, all political
organizations shall adopt Pancasila as their sole basis

To simplify the political system,
particularly for the purpose of choosing a political
organization by the people in general elections, it was felt
that the number of these organizations should be reduced.

In the past, villages were made
the bases of political activities and maneuvers, most notably in
the heyday of the Indonesian Communist Party. This adversely
affected the social and economic life of the village
populations. Hence, it would be desirable to free villages from
the activities of political organizations.Furthermore, the large number of
organizations has been reduced by the fusion of parties and their
affiliated organizations into two political parties - Partai
Persatuan Pembangunan (The United Development Party or Partai
Persatuan) and Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (the Indonesian Democracy
Party or PDI), and one Functional Group or Golongan Karya (Golkar).

Partai Persatuan is a fusion of
Nahdlatul Ulama (the Moslem Scholars Party), Parmusi (the Moslem
Party), PSII (the Islamic Confederation) and PERTI (the Islamic

PDI is a fusion of the former PNI
(the Nationalist Party), the Catholic Party, the Christian
(Protestant) Party, the Indonesian Independence Party, and Partai
Murba (the People's Party).

Golkar accommodates the aspirations
and political rights and duties of functional groups that are not
affiliated with either party, namely civil servants, retired members
of the Armed Forces, women's organizations, professional groups,
farmers, student, etc.

By virtue of the 1983 Guidelines of
the State Policy and on the basis of Act No. 3 of 1985, Pancasila
has finally been adopted as the one and only ideological principle
upon which all political organizations base their activities.

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